by Mahurangi Governor | Apr 13, 2022 | Governor's Posts
Wellness Hub to be Established A second meeting for the Natural Health Centre was held on Tuesday 12th April in Warkworth. Eight people attended this meeting with apologies from two other people. The discussion was on what the centre would look like, what it would be...
by Mahurangi Governor | Mar 29, 2022 | Governor's Posts
Natural Health Centre Meeting An Inaugural meeting was held on Tuesday 29th March in Warkworth. Eight people attended this initial meeting providing eight different modalities. The discussion centred around two themes. Is it beneficial to the Natural Health community...
by Mahurangi Governor | Mar 7, 2022 | Governor's Posts
Calling All Healers in the District. I would like anyone qualified in natural healing modalities to contactme at mahurangi@districts.nzconstitution.orgI want to establish a centre for healing in Warkworth and, if possible,a centre for diagnosis of harm levels in...